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Errata - Living with God

Contents Page line number 22 THE STILLNESS OF THE NIGHT must read as THE STILLNESS OF NIGHT

Page 1, paragraph 1, line 4 is missing a full stop a.k.a period

Page 1 , paragraph 5 , line 2 “Why do I always miss You Lord?" must read as “Why do I always miss You, Lord?" Thanks goes out to Nina Romano of Poetry Editor

Page 18 , last paragraph , last line, last word him must read as Him.

Page 29 , last paragraph , 2nd line ,last word him must read as Him.

Page 30 , last paragraph , last line the word him must read as Him.

Page 61, first Paragraph, line 3 the word unembelished must read as unembellished .

Back cover , second paragraph the word stort must read as short.